Saturday, July 10, 2010

"The Thieves of Manhattan" by Adam Langer

If you've been following any of my earlier posts, you may notice a trend in the genres I generally read: dystopia and teen fiction. Well, I'm switching it up a bit with this new release from Adam Langer, author of Crossing California and The Washington Story. The Thieves of Manhattan is a literary thriller with a new twist and turn on every page!

The story follows an aspiring writer trying to make ends meet with a minimum-wage coffee shop job while also attempting to write something worth publishing. Enraged by another writer's best-selling fake memoir and his girlfriend’s seemingly instantaneous literary success, Ian becomes entangled in a painstakingly intricate scheme to pass off a false memoir of his own and expose the publishing industry's corruptness to the world. He very quickly realizes that things get dangerous when fact and fiction begin to unexpectedly intertwine!

My favorite review of this book comes from Carl Hiaasen (author of Hoot): "The Thieves of Manhattan is a sly and cutting riff on the book-publishing world that is quite funny unless you happen to be an author, in which case the novel will make you consider a more sensible profession—like being a rodeo clown, for example, or a crab-fisherman in the Bering Sea."

With a winning combination of exciting characters, mind-blowing plot twists, and a satisfyingly snarky commentary, this fast-paced novel pokes and prods at the publishing world making the reader think twice about the books they pull off the shelf!

Grace gives it five out of five carrots!

Click here to order The Thieves of Manhattan from The Velveteen Rabbit Bookshop!
(Available in July)


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