Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Essential Neruda" by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda is my favorite poet, along with being one of the more influential poets of the 20th century. He writes with great variety, ranging from lamenting stanzas to fast-moving free verses and covering topics from love to political unrest. But even in that variety, he keeps his same irrevocably passionate voice that makes it completely recognizable as his. This collection of his poems, a compilation of his many published books, mixes and matches his most well-known works.

This anthology is also wonderful because it keeps both the original Spanish verses and their translation into English side by side -- Spanish on the left page, English on the right. If you're keeping up with your Spanish like me, or you just want to try reading these poems in their original (and very romantic) language, this version is perfect, as well as beautifully translated.

I recommend this book wholeheartedly. It's perfect for a summer beach read but is also fully capable of much more depth, as each poem has a history and a story to it. You will find your new favorite poem within this book's 199 carefully scripted pages (Hint: mine is on page 8/9).

Kerry gives it five out of five carrots!

Click here to order Essential Neruda: Selected Poems from The Velveteen Rabbit Bookshop!


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