Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"For The Thrill of It" by Simon Baatz

I am completely and utterly obsessed with Chicago history. I devoured the fantastic Devil in the White City by Erik Larson and, more recently, was sucked into the sinister side of the city with Sin In the Second City by Karen Abbott. "For the Thrill of It" is a compelling portrait of a heinous 1921 murder of a young Chicagoan boy by two incredibly intelligent, well-bred college students. The murder shocked the city--why would two young men with sizeable trust funds kidnap, ransom, and brutally kill a 14-year-old boy? Baatz delves not just into the crime itself but--intriguingly--the trial and its cast of fiery lawyers and politicians, including the famed lawyer Clarence Darrow and his bitter enemy, state's attorney Robert Crowe. Weaved in betweeen the crime and the courtroom drama are plenty of anecdotes about Chicago at the turn of the century that will delight any history lover. Any fan of true crime will enjoy this eerie, well-written read.

Beth gives it four out of five carrots!

Click here to buy For the Thrill of It by Simon Baatz at The Velveteen Rabbit Bookshop!


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